Tuesday, July 8, 2014

SIX MONTHS DOWN . . . and there are changes afoot.

I'm sick to death of making granny squares! There, I said it. I'm tired of them, they are getting in the way of my other projects. The 30 - 60 minutes spent making them each day is often sheer drudgery.  But here I am, six months in, at once inspired to push forward and daunted by the long road ahead.  

Truth be told making the grannies is not hard. I love to crochet and the kids are so excited for their afghans and they are always asking me "how are your grannies going?" when they are trying to make conversation. It is really adorable. I love watching Bea handle them gently with her chubby hands. She treats them like they're special. So, as I look at my six piles of grannies I feel motivated to continue. It'll suck but it'll be worth it.

The blogging part has been hard for me. I feel like I want this to be more of a straight up crochet blog with information, tutorials, tips, history and I haven't been able to make it that yet.  But I have plans for the future of WoolyAna's, so stayed tuned.

While I've been neglecting this blog I've been posting pictures on instagram.  Slowly, very slowly, I've been gaining followers and discovering like-minded crafters. I've found a lot of inspiration and I was not expecting to find it there.

My joy at discovering instagram led me to explore Tumblr.  To be honest I don't really understand Tumblr but I do know is that it hosts microblogs. The more I used it the more I realized that project drudgery is perfect for Tumblr so I have started posting the granny there. Come follow me! I currently have one follower, myself from another of my tumblr blogs.

So there you go, more to come.

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