Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 16: The C2C Craze

We woke up to snow! OK. . . a small dusting. But it was still exciting to watch Trixie stick her finger in it an get a delighted / confused / slightly scare look on her face.

This looks a bit like snow to me.

I don't know if you can see it in the picture but has a sheen to it, like it is covered in crystal powder.  Just like snow.

I've been crocheting for 30 years but I'm relatively new to the online crochet community.  I just joined a few facebook groups and one thing is for sure -  EVERYONE is making corner to corner afghans.

Of course I had to look into this incredibly popular crochet phenomenon.

It is a technique which uses the Crazy Shell Stitch and, as the name suggests, is worked corner to corner on the diagonal.  Here is one that I started last week with left over sock yarn.

While it is not a new technique, the corner to corner afghan has experienced a marked resurgence in the last few years.

Why is this pattern so popular?

It's easy!  Once you get the technique down you only need to know how to do a chain (ch), a slip stitch (ss), a double crochet (dc).

It's fast. Since you are starting at the corner it starts growing really fast.  The quick early progress is really satisfying in a way that other afghans are not.  Although, I must confess, as I approach the middle my work it has slowed down significantly and so has my enthusiasm.  But it will speed up again with the reduction in stitches, so there is that to look forward to. 

It is also easy to customize using various colors. I've started a Pinterest Board to show some examples.

(Excuse the dog hair in the picture. Now that is all I can see, but I am too tired to try to take the picture again. Oh no. I just saw another one. I'm going to stop looking at this picture now.)

What are you waiting for? MAKE ONE!

Red Heart provides the most popular tutorials for the corner to corner afghan.  You can find a link to the written pattern here and the video tutorial here. However, word on the street is that you should use the tutorial done by Mikey from Crochet Corner if you are a beginner. You can find it here.

This is a project that is definitely worth a try.

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